UCSC Emeriti Association 2023-2024 Officers: Eli Silver Leta Miller Judith Aissen Barry Bowman Albert Smith Roger Anderson Barry Bowman Charlie McDowell W. Todd Wipke
Emeriti News and GroovesUCSC Emeriti Activities 2012-2015
CUCEA conducted its three-year survey of Emeriti Activities, this poster summarizes results for just UCSC. See the complete
report entitled A Virtual 11th Campus
See UCs secret energy source: retirees. Osher Lifelong Learner Institute (OLLI) Courses
Professor Emeritus Peter Kenez teaching an overflow crowd at the Peace United Church of Christ December 7, 2015. His two session course on Vladimir Putin’s Russia is in high demand. His first session discussed how Putin became President, how he has maintained power, and what life is like for Russian citizens.
Professor Emerita Isebill "Ronnie" Gruhn (not pictured) is teaching a three session course entitled "World Order/Disorder" in the same location. It drew the largest audience of any previous OLLI course. Her first session discussed the issues facing Europe just before the terrorist attacks in Paris. The series on Modern Molecular Biology in October organized by Barry Bowman covered the CRISPR gene editing technoloogy that was the topic of an international conference the following month covering what should be the limits in gene editing what might be the potential impact on evolution. The courses generate funds for UCSC scholarships. Pavel Machotka Emeriti LecturePavel Machotka´s article entitled "PSYCHOLOGY AND ART. A Retrospective" was featured in the October 2015 CUCEA Newsletter. In the same issue Roger Anderson writes about our benefits and pensions. Everyone should read his article. 50th Anniversary of UCSCCelebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of UCSC: "Memories of Dean and Jane McHenry".
Video I, Video II “The Bear Comes over the Mountain: Dean McHenry Arrives” “Jane and Dean McHenry, a Bi-Coastal Reflection” “UCSC Beginning's Perspectives: Myth or Reality" “ Some recollections of Dean McHenry’s prodigious memory” "Dean McHenry, Community Studies, and Academic Freedom". Memories of Kenneth and Ann Thimann
Crown-Merrill Cultural Center, April 26, 2-4 pm Video