This handbook is intended as a set of guidelines for the officers of the UCSC Emeriti Association so that they may know their duties and have an idea of resources available and contacts necessary for fulfilling them. It was initially written in the spring of 2007 collaboratively by the following officers and former officers: Melanie J. Mayer, Joseph F. Bunnett, Stanley D. Stevens, and Janice V. Corriden; it was updated in the spring of 2010 by the Executive Committee, Todd Wipke, Melanie J. Mayer, Stanley D. Stevens, and Michael Warren. The Executive Committee and the Associate Member category were established by amendment on 11/19/2009. We changed our name from Emeriti Group to Emeriti Association and split the Secretary/Treasurer office into a Secretary and a Treasurer on 5/20/2010. The President-Elect was added to the Executive Committee 5/19/2011. The Web Master was added to the Executive Committee on 5/16/2013.
Previously, much of the lore concerning ways and means of fulfilling an office was transmitted through personal communication with those who have served before. While we have attempted to be systematic and relatively comprehensive in our descriptions in this handbook, there undoubtedly still will be many unanswered questions. Do not hesitate to ask those questions of previous officers.
Vice President
CUCEA Representative
REC Representatives
Executive Committee
Program Committee
Awards and Honors Committee
Nominating Committee
Membership Committee
Business meeting
Emeriti Lectures
Panunzio Award
Dickson Professorship
Web Site
The UCSC Emeriti Association’s purpose is to foster an atmosphere of collegiality among Emeriti by providing intellectually stimulating programs, and to promote better understanding of the University’s research and teaching mission through community-wide lectures. The Emeriti Association also coordinates with the UCSC Academic Senate Committee on Emeriti Relations and with the Council of University of California Emeriti Associations (CUCEA) concerning issues of Emeriti welfare, status, and benefits. From time to time, the UCSC Emeriti Association cooperates with the UCSC Retirees Association on mutually advantageous activities and programs.
There shall be two categories of membership: Regular and Associate. Both pay dues, both participate in Emeriti Association functions, but only regular members may vote and hold an office.
- Regular membership is open to:
- members of the Academic Senate upon retirement and other Emerita/Emeritus designated individuals (e.g., Deans of University Extension, University Officers Emeritus, Librarians Emeritus, Lecturers Emeritus);
- Emeriti from other University of California campuses living in the Santa Cruz area.
- Associate membership eligibility:
- spouses or domestic partners of regular members;
- surviving spouses or domestic partners of former regular members and of Senate members who died in service while eligible to retire;
- Emeriti from other universities living in the Santa Cruz area approved in accordance with part C.
- Prospective associate members eligible under B.3 above may be proposed by two or more regular members and if approved by the Executive Committee, then approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the regular members present at a regular Emeriti Luncheon. In the extremely rare event that a prospective regular member is not eligible under section A above, the same process would apply.
- A member or former member shall not lose eligibility because of a change in marital status.
The Emeriti Association officers consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Representative to CUCEA (Council of University of California Emeriti Associations), and the Web Master. The minimum term for any officer is two years, though an officer may serve for a longer time, subject to confirmation by the membership.
The beginning and ending of terms of officers shall coincide with the academic year, July 1 through June 30.
The duties and identification of a person to fill each office is described below.
The President of the Emeriti Association is responsible for
- conducting the bi-monthly luncheon meetings of the group;
- arranging for speakers for the luncheons;
- identifying and arranging for speakers for the Emeriti Lectures;
- coordinating with the Campus Special Events office to arrange for the Emeriti Lectures and verifying that Special Events sends a video recording of each lecture to the UCSC library;
- seeking sponsorship from the Chancellor for the Emeriti Lectures;
- appointing a willing volunteer to maintain the Emeriti website;
- coordinating actions with the Officers;
- acting as the official speaker for the Emeriti Association in campus relationships and in correspondence with the University-wide Emeriti Association, usually following consultation with appropriate other officers and members;
- coordinating with the Executive Vice Chancellor the process to identify the campus’s Panunzio Award nominee each year, including appointing each fall quarter a three-member committee to review nominees and make recommendations;
- receiving in April the Treasurer’s recommendation for the amount of dues for the following year, seeking discussion among the Executive Committee when needed, and bringing any proposed change in dues before the members for approval at the May business meeting;
- verifying that nominees for successor President (see Election below) agree to serve if confirmed by the membership at the May luncheon meeting;
- appointing the Secretary and the Treasurer, subject to confirmation by the membership attending the May luncheon meeting; and
- appointing the Representative to CUCEA, subject to confirmation by the membership attending the May luncheon meeting.
The President may at any time seek advice and assistance from any of the membership to fulfill her/his duties.
The term for President shall be a minimum of two years. After two years, if willing, the President may renew her/his term by including her/his name among the nominees at the next election.
The normal succession sequence is that the current Vice President stands for election to President. Both the Vice President and the President are elected by a majority vote of members attending the May luncheon. Nominees are identified by the Nominating Committee and suggestions from the membership at large, following a call sent by the Secretary in March. The current President will verify whether nominees are willing to serve. Names of nominees will be announced in an April 15 mailing to all members.
Members not attending the May meeting may vote by communicating with the Secretary prior to the meeting to learn of nominees and to make their preference known. The Secretary will conduct the election part of the May meeting, during which time nominees for the Presidency will withdraw from the meeting room.
Resignation of a President or Vice President will trigger a nomination/election cycle.
The Vice President of the Emeriti Association is responsible for
- chairing the Program Committee;
- training to become President in two years; and
- assisting when any officer is absent.
The term for Vice President shall be two years. Typically the Vice President moves to fill a vacancy 0f the President position, triggering a new Vice President nomination and election cycle. Election of the Vice President follows the procedure for election of the President. (See Election under President)
The Secretary is responsible for meeting logistics, most communications, and maintaining records of members.
Meeting Logistics
The Secretary is the primary person responsible for logistics of the luncheon meetings. Duties consist of the following:
- sometime during the summer and in consultation with the President, identifying an appropriate location for the luncheons in the coming academic year and making all the necessary arrangements to reserve that location with its controller;
- obtaining the reservation count from the automated reservation system, and setting it to reject further reservations. Each member that reserved is sent an email listing all members who reserved for that luncheon;
- arranging catering for the buffet luncheon with an appropriate entity; e.g., the UCSC Catering Office. These arrangements should include all necessary eating, drinking and serving implements as well as the food;
- arriving early for each meeting to set up the facility for the meeting’s program. The Secretary may enlist the help of any number of members to assist with this;
- coordinating with the President to make sure that any equipment needed by the speaker is brought to the meeting and set up properly;
- selecting and bringing to each meeting any beverages appropriate for the social phase of the meeting;
- coordinating clean up of the facility by the members following the speaker’s presentation; and
- presiding over the election of President at the May meeting. (See Business Meeting, under Luncheon Meetings; and, see also Election under President.)
The Secretary, in coordination with other Officers, is responsible for communicating with the membership concerning meetings, events, nominations for President, and any other matters of interest to Emeriti. The Secretary also assists the CUCEA Representative in conducting the Biennial Biobibliographical Survey of members and in the preparation of the report.
Membership Records
The secretary maintains a list of all potential regular members, updated with retirement information from Academic Personnel and changing the status of deceased Emeriti. Within the Master Emeriti List, the Membership field indicates the type of membership, "Regular" or "Associate", for those who actually join the association. The Treasurer maintains the Membership field and Dues Paid field. The list is maintained as a shared document so that the Executive Committee can see the current members.
The names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and any other data collected for the member database shall not be shared, except as approved by the President.
Financial Duties
Financial duties of the Treasurer consist of the following:
- issuing a Call for Payment of Dues to the Members and Potential Members at the beginning of each academic year, prior to the first Luncheon of the year;
- depositing all membership dues, luncheon fees, and other income to the accounts (saving and checking) established for the Association’s banking (currently at Bay Federal Credit Union);
- maintaining the Association’s checking and savings accounts;
- paying for catered food and services, use of facilities, transportation and accommodation expenses of the CUCEA Representative, and other supplies/expenses required to meet the needs of the Association and its Officers;
- remitting to the Treasurer of CUCEA one dollar ($1.00) per member of the UCSC Emeriti Association, upon the schedule of remittances established by CUCEA;
- presenting to the membership in August, prior to the first Luncheon of the year and by mail/e-mail, a Financial Report on the status of the funds on deposit;
- presenting to the President in April each year a recommendation for the level of dues for the next year to take effect for the next fiscal year; and
- receiving payments from the attending members during the pre-meal socializing at luncheons.
Maintenance of Database and Financial Records
The Treasurer maintains a record of all dues-paying members, other income, and disbursements. The Treasurer updates the Dues Paid field and membership status in the Master Emeriti List shared database readable by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer also maintains the MailMan email lists for changes in membership.
See the CUCEA web site for general information about the organization:
The Council of University of California Emeriti Associations (CUCEA) meets twice yearly, usually alternating between a northern and a southern campus. The meetings include a joint session with the Council of University of California Retirees Associations (CUCRA), in which issues of common interest are discussed. This usually includes a presentation by the Office of the Treasurer from the University of California Office of the President.
During the meeting, each campus gives a campus report and the historian gets copies of these reports for the archives. The report typically includes Emeriti honors and deaths, as well as activities of the group.
The CUCEA Representative of the UCSC Emeriti Association is our official representative to CUCEA and is authorized to speak on our behalf. The representative also reports back to the Emeriti Association any information of import from the meeting and not reported by other channels of communication. Furthermore, the representative is responsible, in cooperation with the Secretary, for the conduct of the Biennial Biobibliographic Survey and for the preparation of the report.
The CUCEA Representative typically coordinates travel with other members of the campus going to the meeting. The Representative is reimbursed for travel expenses according to state CUCEA By-Laws and our treasury’s capacity.
If the CUCEA Representative is unable to attend a university-wide meeting, it is her/his responsibility to supply the alternate representative with information relevant to the meeting.
The Retiree Emeriti Center (REC) has a Coordinating Committee composed of two members of the Retiree Association (RA) and two members of the Emeriti Association (EA), plus the REC Coordinator/Director. One of the EA or RA REC representatives serves as Chair of the committee. The function of the REC Coordinating Committee is to guide the Center Coordinator/Director who provides assistance to the EA and RA and manages activities of the REC. Typically the EA President is one of the two REC representatives.
The Executive Committee consists of the Emeriti Association President, Vice President(s), Secretary, Treasurer, CUCEA Representative, and the REC Representatives, plus the immediate Past President, and the Web Master. The Executive Committee is advisory to the President. It retains the experience of the Past President in a formal way until there is a new Past President, and it brings to the discussions the CUCEA Representative's knowledge of systemwide Emeriti affairs and the Senate Emeriti Relations Committee. The Executive Committee approves new members that are proposed that either require approval or are not obviously within the eligibility criteria as stated, and then submits them to the membership for approval by a two-thirds majority.
The Program Committee is chaired by the Vice President with the chief duty to propose the speakers for the luncheons. Speakers are not required to be emeriti. The Committee must have the agreement of the speaker for the selected date. The final list of speakers with name, deptartment, talk Title, picture and abstract are provided to the webmaster. The speakers are announced at the May Luncheon and in Membership Renewal mailings.
The Awards and Honors Committee selects the candidates for the Panunzio Award and for the Dickson Professorship Award. In addition this committee looks for opportunities to feature the research of our Association's members.
This committee is activated by the President to identify at least one candidate for each open office prior to the May business meeting, or when an officer needs to be replaced. The candidate must have agreed to serve. The Committee reports to the President at least one week before the business meeting when the candidates will be voted on so that the President has time to verify that all nominees are willing to serve.
The Membership Committee, appointed by the President, works with the Secretary's list of potential members and with suggestions from the general membership to increase the number of Regular Members.
The UCSC Emeriti Association has three main programs: bimonthly luncheons with lectures; community-wide Emeriti Lectures; and the University-wide Panunzio Award.
The Emeriti Association meets every two months for a buffet luncheon followed by a speaker. The luncheons are open to members and their guests, with a fee assessed per person attending.
Meetings are held on the third Thursday of September, November, January, March, and May. The schedule may change depending on availability of meeting location.
The Secretary is the primary person responsible for logistics of the luncheon meetings. (See the Secretary section.)
Meeting format
We assemble at 11:30 a.m. for pre-meal socializing. A buffet lunch begins at noon, and the speaker is introduced at about 12:40 p.m. Members and guests are welcome to join us only to hear the speaker if they cannot attend the luncheon. The talks are informal. Friendly comments and short questions are entertained during the talk, and harmonious discussion follows. Adjournment is not later than 2 p.m.
Speakers are invited by the President, who coordinates volunteers and suggestions from the membership so as to assure programs of high quality and from a wide variety of disciplines. The subject presented should be of intellectual interest, possibly derived from the speaker’s scholarship, possibly concerning current affairs, possibly derived from the speaker’s experience in reading, in travel, or otherwise in life. The President may seek the advice of the membership on possible speakers and may appoint a small committee to assist with identifying appropriate speakers.
Business meeting
At least every two years, ten to fifteen minutes of the May luncheon meeting will be allotted to a business meeting, during which we select a President, and confirm (or not) the President’s appointment of the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Council of University of California Emeriti Associations (CUCEA) Representative. The business meeting will typically occur between the luncheon and a somewhat truncated talk by that day’s speaker.
On the April 15 prior to this meeting the Secretary will distribute to all members (by email and by postal mail when necessary)
- the names of nominees for the President (see President section for how these are determined),
- the names of nominees for the Vice President(s),
- the names of the Secretary and Treasurer appointees, and
- the name of the CUCEA Representative appointee.
The election of the President will be presided over by the Secretary, and the nominees will remove themselves from the room during any discussion and voting. (See under “President” for procedures.)
Any other business may be brought before the membership following the election, such as any proposal to change dues for the coming year.
Also, the President may bring matters before the membership for brief discussion before any regularly scheduled talk. If more time is needed, a business meeting may replace a speaker at any luncheon whenever the membership deems it appropriate.
The UCSC Emeriti Association sponsors, with support from the Chancellor, occasional community-wide lectures by one of the distinguished Emeritus Professors from our campus. Lectures are intended for the whole community—students, faculty, staff and townspeople.
These lectures are given on two or three occasions during the academic year on a weekday evening and in a hall that is easily accessible for off-campus attendees. The President introduces the purpose of the Emeriti Lecture Series and gives a brief introduction of the speaker. The lecture is typically 50 minutes followed by 10-15 minutes of questions. Discussion continues during the reception afterwards. The Emeriti Lectures are video-recorded, and a copy of the recording resides in the UCSC Library Special Collections.
The President is responsible for coordinating the Emeriti Lectures. (See President section for details.) About six weeks before the lecture, the President provides the speaker's name, picture, brief biography, the lecture title and abstract to the Special Events office so a flyer can be produced to publicize the lecture.
The Constantine Panunzio Distinguished Emeriti Award is an annual University-wide prize recognizing outstanding scholarly work or educational service performed by a UC emerita or emeritus in the Humanities or Social Sciences after retirement. The award consists of a certificate and a cash prize for the University-wide winner, who is selected from among the nominees from each campus.
The Emeriti Association President coordinates with the Executive Vice-Chancellor (EVC) the process for determining the Santa Cruz campus nominee each year. This includes writing (with the EVC) and distributing the call for nominees (usually distributed in late November); appointing a three-member committee to review nominees and make recommendations (staffed by a person from the EVC’s office); facilitating collection of outside letters of support for the campus nominee; assisting the chair of the review committee in writing the campus nomination letter and forwarding it to the appropriate University-wide committee by the required deadline (usually late February).
====Description of Dickson Award goes here===
The Emeriti Association has a web site, whose address is .
The web site is hosted by the University of California Santa Cruz server. The files are at /afs/ and the server is
A volunteer member of the Emeriti Association, whose name is also listed on each page of the site, manages the site using Dreamweaver. The webmaster coordinates with the Officers to obtain correct information and to keep the site up to date.
The web site includes a general description of the Emeriti Association, and who is eligible for membership. Current members are listed with contact information as an image so that web crawlers cannot glean information. Current dues are announced and the method for joining is described.
The web site announces officers, meeting dates, and location of luncheon meetings for the academic year.
Prior to luncheons and Emeriti Lectures, it announces the speaker and title of the talk, along with a short description of the talk. Following each Emeriti Lecture it posts a pointer to the podcast of the lecture.
One section of the web site also lists resources that members may find useful. A History section gives all past Emeriti Lectures, Luncheon talks, Special Events, Association Officers, and a historical list of people and their roles in the Association. Following each event, the event is removed from the home page and added to the appropriate History section page (Past Luncheon Talks, Past Emeriti Lectures, Past Special Events) with a pointer to the abstract and podcast. The speaker is added to the People Roles page. The People Roles page is also updated each year for the officers.
The Webmaster also maintains the automated reservation system used for Luncheons using Google Drive, and the Mailman mailing lists named: UCSCemeriti (members), emeriti-am (associate members), and emeriti2 (emeriti non-members); the complete mailing list address is The maintenance URL is for the UCSCemeriti list, etc. Only the President, and Secretary can post to the mailing lists without moderator approval. The President and Secretary are list moderators.