The UCSC Emeriti Association meets on the third Thursday of September, November, January, March, and May during the academic year. Retired faculty and their guests enjoy lunch followed by discussion with a guest speaker. To reserve or cancel your lunch, click on "Reserve/Cancel/Decline" under the Luncheon Announcement. The meeting place for the 2024-2025 academic year is the UCSC Arboretum Conference Room. See past talks. Videos.
The UCSC Emeriti Association sponsors, with support from the Chancellor, occasional community-wide lectures by one of the distinguished Emeritus Professors from our group. Lectures are intended for the whole community—students, faculty, staff and townspeople. These lectures typically occur on the second Tuesday of November and April. See past lectures. Videos.
The UCSC Emeriti Association also sponsors the Nauenberg History of Science Lectures. This lecture series covers all sciences, focusing on the history of the key scientific discoveries and the people that made them. These lectures are given by noted experts in the History of Science, and typically occur on the second Friday in May. See past lectures. Videos.
Starting July 2018, the UCSCEA began publishing a quarterly newsletter covering coming events, news of interest to Emeriti, and Emeriti contributed articles that are interesting and include the human side of being an Emeriti. The newsletters are available in the newsletter section of this website. They are designed to be read on a computer so one can follow links to other media, not to be printed.